
20.02.2020 1949
Qalereyalar: Zərgərlik və Aksessuarlar
Alt kateqoriya: Broşlar
İstehsal: Sifarlə
Materiallar: The base of the brooch is felt. Materials based on the front side: moulinet,silk,swarovski stones.
Ölçülər: 6*4sm
Əsas rəng: Qarışıq
İşin təsviri: Stylish brooch, an addition to your outfit. Брошь продана,повтор возможен.
The brooch requires delicate care. First of all, do not wear under outerwear. Avoid contact with water. Do not forget about the fact that children will not remain indifferent)), do not allow, the product is thin, requires careful use. Well,in the end, wear a brooch with love as a talisman that brings happiness!
Azerbaijan Baki
Telefon: 0506642299
E-mail: [email protected]

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